Stay connected!

Our weekly email is a quick way for you to stay informed about news, events, prayer needs, and more.

This is an online directory for those who call ERCF their church home.

Contact if your email address or contact info changed. We can help you get it updated.


New to using our online directory?

Simply use the step by step process below to login to your account. Note that your account is uniquely linked to the email address we have on file for you.

1. Click here to visit Adjace.

2. Click "New User" in the upper right corner of the screen to sign up for your account. 

3. Make sure to use the email address we have on file for you in order to be connected to your profile correctly. If we do not have your email address on file, you can register with a "new profile." You will receive a confirmation shortly after your submission.

4. After creating your account, check your email to verify your account. You can also download the Adjace app onto your mobile phone to have access anywhere.

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